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Foal Incentive Funds and Breeders Trust Programs
INDIAN ARTIFACTS, HBF IRON MAN, DGS INDYGO and DGS VESTASTIC participate in the several breed’s richest breeding incentive programs. DeGraff Stables pays annually to fully nominate these stallions into their respective incentive programs to benefit mare and foal owners of show horses. Foals upon registration must enter their foal into the program(s) of choice, according to the foal’s eligibility, by the owner to fully take advantage of the Incentives. Following are the program(s) that your foal may be eligibile for:
Established in 1994, the APHA Breeders’ Trust program was created to help offset the cost of showing and to add value to American Paint Horses. It’s a program that pays cash dividends for points earned by nominated horses at APHA-approved events. While color can be a major asset, a lack of color does not limit your opportunity for success within APHA, see details for the Solid Paint-Bred program. Program details and nomination forms:
APHA-BreedersTrust&FuturityPrograms (351 KB)
APHA-SolidPaintBredProgram (283 KB)
NSBA – National Snafflebit Association Stallion Incentive Fund (SIF):
The NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund (SIF) program is a stallion service funded program. Breedings to top pleasure horse stallions in the nation are sold. Donated breedings sell at a discounted fee and the revenue generated from the sale of these breedings make up the payout in the Stallion Incentive Fund. The SIF Classes are 2YO WP, 3YO HUS and 3YO NP WP. All SIF classes are offered after July 1st. In addition to the SIF classes, is the NSBA License Program. all licensed horses are eligible to compete and earn NSBA incentive fund points based on Dual Approved shows and Payout is based on the purse of sold breedings from the stallions in the current year. The stallion nominator receives 10%, the horse nominator earns 10% and the owner of the horse earns 80% of the License payout. Program details and forms:
NSBA-SIF-Program (318 KB)
NSBA-BCF&SIF-HorseNominationForm (85 KB)
NSBA-BCF&SIF-HorseTransferForm (34 KB)
NSBA-SIF-LicensingFAQ (249 KB)